Telephone: 01283 530 922

Fax: 01283 739 040


Chartered Accountants
Personal & Business Accountants
HMRC's Construction Industry Scheme (CIS) has an extensive impact on contractors and subcontractors. There are significant penalties for failure to operate the CIS correctly which can result in serious consequences for businesses.

In addition the current requirement to consider the question of employment status when engaging any subcontractors adds yet another layer of complexity.

We have practical experience of working with contractors of all sizes in relation to the CIS, offering reviews of compliance, training and consideration of the status of any labour-only subcontractors and the terms and conditions under which they are engaged.

Construction Industry Scheme (CIS)

Our services include:

If you would like any advise on the above or would like us to operate your CIS on your behalf leaving you free to deal with the day to day operation of your business then please give us a call on 01283 530922 or use the contact us form and we will be in contact soon.